Mobile in Mobile (part 1)


I arrive in Mobile and saunter around downtown. I settle on a little bar that has a male/female duo singing. They have an incredibly eclectic play list ranging from 40’s blues to C&W to Floyd – “Wish you were here”. And they are sensational. In a little bar! In Mobile!


Two young fellows sitting either side of me who don’t know each other engage me in conversation. “Man I got to go Australia, I hear it is soooo beautiful”. I don’t get this. Coming from people who live in a country as topographically diverse as the USA to think that Australia is beautiful? Yeah some of it is. But a large swath of it is just flat and red and pretty bloody boring. Anyway Americans always say this and that they intend to go to OZ and it is all very nice, but it is just polite bullshit. Anyway DB is about to arrive and I decide I better get him home.


I call into liquor store. There is a young woman standing next to me buying a bottle of bourbon. She points to me and says “He’ll pay”. Me “I was just going to suggest that”. Her “Oh! You have just got to keep talking. I love that accent. You all sound so smart. Not like us. We all sound like rednecks”. Me “No, it is charming, you sound like Vivien Leigh in Gone with the Wind”. Her “I hate it “. Me “You would be exceedingly popular in Australia”. Her “Really?”.  Me “Really”. Now the truth of it is: she is very good looking young woman who would do well in OZ even if she sounded like Chewbacca.

DB needs to get home.  

  • Australian Music
  • Playing golf like Jesus

6 thoughts on “Mobile in Mobile (part 1)

  1. Hi Dad

    Great read! Hope the trips going well.. Skype me when you free.. This time around try not to ring me at 3am on a school night.. Xxx.

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