Some reflections on the future and past leaders of the free world.

I didn’t manage to sleep on the flight over. So I didn’t go out the first night in Hawaii and only woke up in time to watch the Republican debate. I was looking forward to this for only one reason. The Donald. It’s fantastic to have a front runner for the nomination who is completely off his tits. One of his rivals for the nomination is John Kasich. He said prior to the debate that the preparation was akin to getting ready for a Nascar race when you knew one of the other drivers was drunk. The Donald didn’t disappoint – insulting his rivals – “didn’t you hear what I said? to Rand Paul who wears hearing aids, post interview calling one of the moderators (a female) a bimbo, a lightweight and intimating she was menstruating.

Jon Stewart says it is a chance for the USA to have its first arsehole president. I think this is right. They have certainly had stupid with “W”, senile with Ronnie and three shagging Commanders in chief – JFK, LBJ and of course Bill. LBJ was apparently besotted with his John Thomas, often whipping it out (he called it Jumbo) and showing it to males and females alike saying “Have you ever seen anything as big as this”? My favourite episode with Bill and his penis (and aren’t we spoilt for choice here! If you Google Bill Clinton and penis you get over 3 million matches) was when his lawyer in the Paula Jones case was refuting that the President suffered from condition that caused a pronounced kink in his tossel. The lawyer, Robert Bennet, said “In terms of size, shape, direction, whatever the devious mind wants to concoct, the President is a normal man. There are no blemishes, there are no moles, there are no growths.” How proud would the founding fathers have been.

My hope always was that Bill would think bugger this and call a conference in the Rose Garden and show America his todger. The assembled would sing “America the beautiful” and Bill would drop the mic and walk off.


  • Guns and God
  • Americans at their best
  • I’m sorry Hawaii became the 50th

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